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Premier Cigar Rolling Service

Event Packages

Fat Stogies creates the ultimate cigar experience. A Wedding, Retirement Party, Corporate Event, Birthday Party, or much more will be transformed into a "date to remember

Rolling a Cigar

SECO (2 hours)

The Seco provides an incredible customized cigar band that will serve as a reminder of an incredible experience

Row of Cigars

LIGERO (2 hours)

The Ligero is an amazing cigar package that will entertain any private party under 50 guests

Cigar Rolling

VOLADO (2 hours)

The Volado will bring guests into the world of cigar rolling with a first-hand rolling experience

Leaf to Smoke

Our team pride ourselves on our hard work and dedication to excellence. We mainly determine our success on the level of enjoyed events and satisfied puffs of fine tobacco in the atmosphere.

See for yourself, and remember you can be next!

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