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Ian Wilson

Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33: How to Buy, Install, and Use This Amazing Software for Vakyam Panchangam Astrology

Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are interested in astrology and want to get your horoscope calculated according to the traditional Vakyam Panchangam, then you might want to check out Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33. This software is designed to provide you with accurate and detailed astrological calculations based on the ancient system of Vakyam Panchangam. In this article, we will explain what is Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33, what are its features and benefits, how to use it, where to buy it, and why you should choose it. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea about this software and how it can help you in your astrological journey.

Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33

What is Vakyam Panchangam and how is it different from other Panchangams?

Before we dive into the details of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33, let us first understand what is Vakyam Panchangam and how it differs from other Panchangams. A Panchangam is a Hindu astrological almanac that contains information about the five elements of time: Tithi (lunar day), Vara (weekday), Nakshatra (lunar mansion), Yoga (luni-solar day), and Karana (half of a lunar day). These elements are used to determine the auspicious and inauspicious times for various activities, such as religious ceremonies, festivals, marriages, travel, etc. A Panchangam also contains other information, such as the position of the planets, the rising and setting of the sun and moon, the eclipses, the festivals, etc.

There are different types of Panchangams based on different methods of calculation. One of the most popular and widely used types of Panchangam is the Thirukanitha Panchangam, which is based on modern astronomical formulas and calculations. Another type of Panchangam is the Vakyam Panchangam, which is based on ancient texts and oral traditions. The word Vakyam means "statement" or "saying" in Sanskrit, and it refers to the fact that this type of Panchangam is derived from the statements or sayings of ancient sages and seers. The Vakyam Panchangam is also known as the Surya Siddhanta Panchangam, as it follows the principles of the Surya Siddhanta, one of the oldest and most authoritative texts on astronomy and astrology in India.

The main difference between the Thirukanitha Panchangam and the Vakyam Panchangam is that the former uses mathematical calculations based on fixed values and constants, while the latter uses empirical observations based on variable factors and corrections. For example, the Thirukanitha Panchangam assumes that the earth's orbit around the sun is circular and uniform, while the Vakyam Panchangam takes into account that the earth's orbit is elliptical and variable. Similarly, the Thirukanitha Panchangam assumes that the sun's motion is constant and regular, while the Vakyam Panchangam considers that the sun's motion is affected by various factors, such as gravity, precession, nutation, etc. As a result, the Thirukanitha Panchangam and the Vakyam Panchangam may differ in their values for various elements of time, such as Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, etc.

The difference between these two types of Panchangams may seem insignificant or negligible for some purposes, but it can have a significant impact on astrological calculations and predictions. For example, if you want to calculate your horoscope or birth chart based on your date, time, and place of birth, you may get different results depending on whether you use a Thirukanitha Panchangam or a Vakyam Panchangam. This is because your horoscope or birth chart is based on the position of the planets at the time of your birth, which can vary depending on which type of Panchangam you use. Therefore, it is important to know which type of Panchangam you are following and to be consistent with it.

What are the features and benefits of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33?

Now that you have a basic understanding of what is Vakyam Panchangam and how it differs from other Panchangams, let us see what are the features and benefits of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33. This software is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool that allows you to calculate your horoscope or birth chart in Tamil with full details of astrological calculations based on the Vakyam Panchangam system. Some of the features and benefits of this software are:

  • The software calculates your horoscope or birth chart in Tamil with full details of astrological calculations based on the Vakyam Panchangam system. You can get your horoscope or birth chart in various formats, such as Rasi chart (sign chart), Navamsa chart (harmonic chart), Bhava chart (house chart), etc. You can also get various divisional charts or varga charts that show different aspects of your life, such as D-2 Hora chart (wealth chart), D-3 Drekkana chart (siblings chart), D-4 Chaturthamsa chart (property chart), D-7 Saptamsa chart (children chart), D-9 Navamsa chart (spouse chart), D-10 Dasamsa chart (career chart), D-12 Dwadasamsa chart (parents chart ), D-16 Shodasamsa chart (vehicle chart), D-20 Vimsamsa chart (spirituality chart), D-24 Chaturvimsamsa chart (education chart), D-27 Nakshatramsa chart (strengths and weaknesses chart), D-30 Trimsamsa chart (evils and misfortunes chart), D-40 Khavedamsa chart (auspicious and inauspicious effects chart), D-45 Akshavedamsa chart (past life karma chart), D-60 Shashtyamsa chart (final destiny chart), etc. You can also get various special charts or amsha charts that show specific features of your horoscope, such as Sudarshana Chakra (planetary aspect chart), Sarvatobhadra Chakra (nakshatra aspect chart), Ashtakavarga Chart (planetary strength chart), Shadbala Chart (planetary power chart), etc.

  • The software predicts your future based on various astrological factors, such as dasa varga charts, dasa bukthi, bhava spudam, etc. You can get predictions for various aspects of your life, such as health, wealth, career, marriage, children, education, travel, etc. You can also get predictions for various periods of your life, such as yearly predictions, monthly predictions, daily predictions, etc. You can also get predictions for various events of your life, such as marriage compatibility, childbirth, career change, foreign travel, etc. The software also gives you remedies and suggestions to overcome any obstacles or difficulties in your life.

  • The software matches your horoscope with another horoscope to check the compatibility and suitability for marriage or partnership. You can get the matching of horoscopes with dhosa samya, which is the analysis of the afflictions or doshas in the horoscopes that may cause problems or conflicts in the relationship. The software checks for various types of doshas, such as Kuja dosha (Mars affliction), Rahu-Ketu dosha (nodal affliction), Nadi dosha (pulse affliction), etc. The software also gives you the score or points for the matching of horoscopes based on various factors, such as Rasi porutham (sign compatibility), Nakshatra porutham (star compatibility), Rajju porutham (rope compatibility), Yoni porutham (sexual compatibility), Vasya porutham (attraction compatibility), Mahendra porutham (longevity compatibility), Stree Deergha porutham (womanhood compatibility), Varna porutham (caste compatibility), Gana porutham (temperament compatibility), Rasi Athipathi porutham (lordship compatibility), etc. The software also gives you the final verdict or recommendation for the matching of horoscopes based on the overall score or points.

  • The software allows you to change the style of the charts according to your preference and convenience. You can choose from various styles of charts, such as North Indian style, South Indian style, East Indian style, Kerala style, Sri Lankan style, etc. You can also choose from various styles of signs and planets, such as English style, Tamil style, Sanskrit style, etc. You can also choose from various styles of colors and fonts for the charts and reports.

  • The software has a user-friendly interface and data safety features that make it easy and secure to use. You can enter your birth details and preferences easily and quickly using the input forms and menus. You can also edit or delete your data anytime you want. You can save your data and charts in various formats, such as PDF, JPG, PNG, etc. You can also print or share your data and charts with others using email or social media. The software also protects your data and privacy by encrypting it with a password and storing it in a secure location.

How to use Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33?

Now that you know what are the features and benefits of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33, let us see how to use it. The software is easy to use and requires only a few steps to get your horoscope or birth chart calculated and predicted. Here are the steps to use Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33:

  • The first step is to install and activate the software on your computer or laptop. You can download the software from the official website or buy it from an authorized dealer. You will need a license key to activate the software after installation. You will also need an internet connection to update the software regularly.

  • The second step is to enter your birth details and preferences in the input form. You will need to enter your name, date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, gender , and email address. You can also enter your phone number and address if you want. You will also need to enter your preferences for the chart style, sign style, planet style, color style, font style, etc. You can also choose whether you want to get predictions for various aspects, periods, and events of your life.

  • The third step is to get your horoscope or birth chart calculated and predicted by the software. You can click on the "Calculate" button to get your horoscope or birth chart in various formats, such as Rasi chart, Navamsa chart, Bhava chart, etc. You can also click on the "Predict" button to get predictions for various aspects, periods, and events of your life. You can view your horoscope or birth chart and predictions on the screen or download them as PDF or JPG files.

  • The fourth step is to print or share your horoscope or birth chart and predictions with others. You can click on the "Print" button to print your horoscope or birth chart and predictions on paper or save them as PDF files. You can also click on the "Share" button to share your horoscope or birth chart and predictions with others via email or social media. You can also copy and paste your horoscope or birth chart and predictions to other applications or websites.

Where to buy Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33?

If you are interested in buying Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33, you have two options: online or offline. Here are the details of both options:

  • Online: You can buy Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 online from the official website of the software developer or seller. The price of the software is Rs. 5000/- (Indian Rupees) or $67 (US Dollars). You can pay by credit card, debit card, net banking, UPI, PayPal, etc. You will get a license key and a download link for the software after payment. You will also get free updates and customer support for the software.

  • Offline: You can buy Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 offline from an authorized dealer or distributor of the software developer or seller. The price of the software may vary depending on the dealer or distributor. You will get a CD-ROM or a USB drive containing the software and a license key after payment. You will also get free updates and customer support for the software.

You can also contact the software developer or seller for any queries or feedback regarding Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33. The contact details are as follows:





Conclusion: Why choose Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33?

Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool that allows you to calculate your horoscope or birth chart in Tamil with full details of astrological calculations based on the Vakyam Panchangam system. It also predicts your future based on various astrological factors, such as dasa varga charts, dasa bukthi, bhava spudam, etc. It also matches your horoscope with another horoscope to check the compatibility and suitability for marriage or partnership. It also allows you to change the style of the charts according to your preference and convenience. It also has a user-friendly interface and data safety features that make it easy and secure to use.

Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 is a must-have software for anyone who is interested in astrology and wants to get their horoscope calculated according to the traditional Vakyam Panchangam system. It is also a great software for anyone who wants to get accurate and detailed astrological calculations and predictions based on their date, time, and place of birth. It is also a useful software for anyone who wants to check their compatibility and suitability with another person for marriage or partnership.

If you want to get Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33, you can buy it online from the official website of the software developer or seller, or offline from an authorized dealer or distributor of the software developer or seller. You can also contact the software developer or seller for any queries or feedback regarding Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33.

So what are you waiting for? Get Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 today and discover the secrets of your horoscope!

FAQs : Frequently Asked Questions about Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 and their answers:

  • Q1: What is the difference between Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 and ICS Tamil Vakkiam Pro Astrolog?

A1: Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 and ICS Tamil Vakkiam Pro Astrolog are two different software products that are based on the Vakyam Panchangam system. However, they have some differences in their features and functions. For example, Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 has more chart styles, sign styles, planet styles, color styles, and font styles than ICS Tamil Vakkiam Pro Astrolog. Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 also has more divisional charts, special charts, and prediction options than ICS Tamil Vakkiam Pro Astrolog. Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 also has a user-friendly interface and data safety features that make it easy and secure to use. On the other hand, ICS Tamil Vakkiam Pro Astrolog has some features that Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 does not have, such as the option to calculate horoscopes based on other Panchangams, such as Thirukanitha Panchangam, Lahiri Panchangam, etc. ICS Tamil Vakkiam Pro Astrolog also has some features that are specific to the ICS software products, such as the option to sync data with other ICS software products, such as ICS Softwares Tamil Astrology, ICS Softwares Numerology, etc.

  • Q2: How accurate is Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33?

A2: Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 is very accurate in its calculations and predictions based on the Vakyam Panchangam system. The software uses the latest and most reliable data and formulas for the calculation of the elements of time, such as Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, etc. The software also uses the most authentic and authoritative sources and texts for the prediction of various aspects, periods, and events of life, such as dasa varga charts, dasa bukthi, bhava spudam, etc. The software also takes into account various factors and corrections that may affect the accuracy of the calculations and predictions, such as Ayanamsa (precession of equinoxes), Abhijit Nakshatra (intercalary nakshatra), Sankranti (solar ingress), etc. The software also gives you the option to customize your preferences and settings for the calculations and predictions according to your needs and convenience.

  • Q3: Can I use Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 in English or other languages?

A3: Yes, you can use Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 in English or other languages. The software has a multilingual feature that allows you to choose your preferred language for the input and output of data and charts. You can choose from various languages, such as English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, etc. You can also choose from various regional languages or dialects of Tamil, such as Madras Bashai (Chennai dialect), Kongu Tamil (Coimbatore dialect), Madurai Tamil (Madurai dialect), etc. You can also change the language anytime you want without affecting your data or charts.

  • Q4: Can I get a free trial or demo version of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33?

A4: Yes, you can get a free trial or demo version of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33. The software developer or seller offers a free trial or demo version of the software for a limited period of time or with limited features and functions. You can download the free trial or demo version of the software from the official website or request it from an authorized dealer or distributor. You can use the free trial or demo version of the software to test its features and functions before buying it. However, you will need to buy the full version of the software to access all its features and functions and to get free updates and customer support.

  • Q5: How can I contact the developers or sellers of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33?

A5: You can contact the developers or sellers of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 by using their contact details given above. You can also visit their official website or social media pages for more information and updates about their products and services. You can also send them your queries or feedback by using their email address or phone number.I hope this article has answered all your questions about Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33 and has helped you to understand its features and benefits. If you have any more questions or feedback, please feel free to contact the developers or sellers of Tamil Vakyam Horoscope Software 33. They will be happy to assist you and provide you with the best service possible.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope you have a great day! dcd2dc6462


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